Sunday, March 13, 2016

Grand Cay to Sand Cay/Double Breasted Cay

Friday, March 4th started off with a treat! We were able to log in to wifi long enough to use my iphone to call Brandon. I am still amazed how much that silly phone has bettered our lives, but I’m not entirely proud of it, since we strive to live frugally. Brandon told us they were getting ready to head to the Bahamas, too. They will be pretty far from us so we won’t be able to see him while he’s here. We talked about their upcoming trip to the Mediterranean and Europe. We’re still so proud of him and amazed that he is living the dream he’s always wanted. Proud indeed!

It was a beautiful morning when we pulled out of the harbor in Grand Cay for our quick trip to Sand/Double Breasted Cay. The ride was about 2 hours and after a little zig and zag, we had a nice anchor spot all to ourselves. The view was photoshop perfect.

We took the dogs and kids to shore, actually we took the dogs to shore, the kids jumped off the top of the boat and swam in.

We did a lot of snorkeling. Steve cleaned the hull thoroughly since he could see everything so well. There was a nice 4’ barracuda that hung out in the shade of our boat. We named him Bubba. The swimming slowed down after that. Confused smile
The water is so clear here!

Do I see Happiness?!

Sugar cookie Sophie

Jake and Dani jumping off the boat - one of their favorite things

We did a lot of snorkeling. Steve cleaned the hull thoroughly since he could see everything so well. We had a nice 4’ barracuda that hung out in the shade of our boat. We named him Bubba. The swimming slowed down after that. Confused smile
The second night we took the kids and dogs ashore and had a campfire and we were treated to one of the most breathtakingly beautiful sunsets we have ever seen. We roasted marshmallows and read the kids daily homework of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet under the stars. These are the moments that sneak up on you that make you stop and think about how lucky you are. Watching our kids laughing and enjoying themselves while making memories I know they’ll have for many years. Surrounding them with love, nature, culture and adventure. Locking away the negativity that can consume so many people. This! This is why we’re doing what we are doing….not that this is much of a sacrifice on our parts.

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